- Keith J. O'Hara and Tucker Balch."Pervasive Embedded Networks for Supporting Multi-Robot Activities." AAAI-04 workhop on Sensor Networks. July 2004.
- Keith J. O'Hara and Tucker Balch."Distributed Path Planning for Robots in Dynamic Environments Using a Pervasive Embedded Network." 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. July 2004. [paper] [poster]
- Keith J. O'Hara and Tucker Balch. "Pervasive Sensor-less Networks for Cooperative Multi-Robot Tasks." 7th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems. June 2004. [paper]
- Paulos, A., Dumitras, T., Narasimhan, P., Thaker, G. and O'Hara, K. "Empirical Evaluation of MEAD's Fault Tolerant CORBA Infrastructure." The Fourth Workshop on The ACE ORB (TAO). Arlington, VA. 2004. [presentation]
- Lardieri, P., Thaker, G., and O'Hara, K. "Tools for QoS Award Allocation and Depolyment of CCM Based Applications." The Object Management Group's (OMG) Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Washington DC. July 2004. [presentation]