Keith J. O'Hara


CMSC 143

Object-Oriented Programming with Robots (S2015)

overview | logistics | schedule | announcements | assignments | labs | resources

Tentative Schedule (changes frequently)

week date topics concepts introduced readings work assigned
1 1/27/2015 course introduction syllabus
1/29/2015 computation What is Computation? by Ian Horswill
1/30/2015 personal robots statements; comments; functions LCwR Ch. 1 & TP Ch. 1 lab 1
2 2/3/2015 robot brains functions; repetition LCwR Ch. 2 & 3 Sing and Dance Assignment
2/5/2015 expressions; variables; types; objects TP Ch. 2 & TP Ch. 3
2/6/2015 making music LCwR Ch. 8 on Sound (pp 169-) lab 2
3 2/10/2015 making decisions conditionals TP Ch. 5.1-5.7 & LCwR Ch. 5
2/12/2015 loops; recursion TP Ch. 5.8- & TP Ch. 6
2/13/2015 robot behavior TP ch. 7 & LCwR Ch. 6 lab 3
4 2/17/2015 iteration for; while; nested loops TP ch. 7 Performance Assignment
2/19/2015 interpreters strings; sequences TP ch. 8
2/20/2015 teleoperation user interface lab 4
5 2/24/2015 word play reading from files TP ch. 9
2/26/2015 randomness; review LCwR Ch. 4
2/27/2015 MIDTERM
6 3/3/2015 images pixels; nested loops LCwR Ch. 9 SFX Assignment
3/5/2015 anaglyph images
3/6/2015 motion detection; team performance background subtraction lab 5
7 3/10/2015 image processing What Robots See and watch The Great Robot Race -- Chapter 1: A Hard Problem
3/12/2015 movies lists TP ch.10 Movie Assignment
3/13/2015 photobooth lab 6
8 3/16/2015 SPRING BREAK
9 3/24/2015 collecting and analyzing data storage hierarchy; file IO; exceptions TP Ch. 14
3/26/2015 robot cockroach higher-order functions; map/reduce LCwR Ch. 7; "Introduction to Functional Programming"
3/6/2015 HTML lab HTML tutorial lab 7
10 3/31/2015 CANCELED
4/2/2015 graphics objects; methods LCwR Ch. 8
4/3/2015 MIDTERM
11 4/7/2015 turtle graphics classes TP Ch. 15 Final Assignment
4/9/2015 movie screening
4/10/2015 turtles lab 8
12 4/14/2015 new datatypes operator overloading TP Ch. 17
4/16/2015 image arithmetic
4/17/2015 image arithmetic lab 9
13 4/21/2015 simulation inheritance TP Ch. 18
4/24/2015 predator-prey simulation lab 10
14 4/28/2015 ADVISING DAY
4/30/2015 randomness dictionaries TP Ch. 11
5/1/2015 postfix python interpreters lab 11
15 5/5/2015 evaluating algorithms binary search TP Appendix B
5/7/2015 review; cryptograms
5/8/2015 project day
16 5/12/2015 final project presentations
5/15/2015 FINAL