CMSC 201
Data Structures (S2017)
overview | logistics | schedule | labs | presentations | resourcesLecture: Mon & Wed 10:10am-11:30am (RKC 100)
Lab: Fri 10:30am-12:30pm (RKC 100)
Office Hours: Tue 3pm-4pm; Wed/Fri 9am-10am and by appointment (RKC 204)
- Algorithms. Sedgewick and Wayne. 4th Edition. 2011. Pearson.
- Exams (60%): Three closed book exams
- Labs (25%): Weekly programming assignments
- Homework & Quizzes (10%): Paper-and-pencil assignments
- Presentation (5%): Presentation of an advanced data structure
- Attend class.
- Be on time.
- Participate.
- Check moodle.
- Come to class prepared. Make sure to have read the required reading BEFORE class.
- Complete all assignments and start early.
- Network outages and other computer problems are not valid excuses for missing deadlines; take this into account in your planning.
- Cooperate, but don't copy.
- Credit work, including all sources you used from the web, other books, etc.
- Sharing ideas is encouraged, but blatantly copying work without attribution will be treated as scholastic dishonesty and receive no credit.
- Keep your assignment and lab work private, a USB flash drive is recommended.