CMSC 117
Introduction to Computing: Interactive Systems
overview | logistics | schedule | announcements | assignments | gallery | resourcesOnline Resources:
- p5js.org
- online editors: p5ide, jsbin.com and thimble
- offline editors: p5editor, LightTable, brackets and Sublime
- class sketchpad.cc gallery
- Learning Processing's p5.js examples
- Processing vs. p5.js
- "Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists" by Reas and Fry
- "Getting Started with Processing" by Reas and Fry
- "Computer Programming as an Art" by Knuth
- "As We May Think" by Bush
- "Taste for Makers" by by Paul Graham
- "Computer Software" by Kay
- "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" by Alan Turing
- "Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system" by Ivan Sutherland
- "ELIZA—a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine" by Joseph Weizenbaum
- "Hackers and Painters" and "Taste for Makers" by Paul Graham
- "What is Computation" by Ian Horswill
- "The Computer Scientist as Toolshmith II" by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
- "Into the Uncanny Valley" by Joe Kloc. Seed Magazine.
- "Pianos Not Stereos: Creating Computational Construction Kits" by Resnick, Bruckman and Martin
- "In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits" by Chris Anderson. Wired. January 25, 2010.